🇭🇰 Interview with Tamrin Ng: Play darts, win hearts

Welcome to another new interview on AsianDarts, this time with one of the best and most popular ladies player in Hong Kong, who also has played for the Australian soft tip team before: Tamrin Ng. Tamrin tells about how she started out playing darts, her journey with One80 as well as discovering the world of steeltip darts. Enjoy!

Tamrin winning her first steeltip tournament

My name is Tamrin, currently based in Hong Kong and I’ve been playing darts since 2016.

How and when did you get into darts?

I started playing darts back in 2016 when I was still in uni. I met a darts bar manger at a local Chinese New Year event, he introduced me to his darts bar and that was how I met a lot more people who were really into darts and then I became one of the regulars.

You mostly play soft tip darts. What do you like the most about softtip darts?

I started off playing soft tips darts when I had very minimal knowledge about this sport. The best thing about soft darts for a newbie is that it has different lighting segments where it guides new players on where to throw and it suggests how to close when playing 01. Whereas the best part to me right now is that I can connect with people around the world. Using DARTSLIVE as an example, it has a Global game function where the machine connects to the internet and we can search for other online players in different countries and have an online battle with them. On the other hand, I have my own signature DARTSLIVE Support Player theme, which I can share my theme to people instantly by just playing a game with other players and this is how we make friends without any boundaries.

After a couple of years, THE WORLD started again and returned to Singapore. You were there. How was it to return to THE WORLD after a couple of years?

It was a long missed tournament and it didn’t let people down! I was soooo thrilled and excited to see so many familiar faces after such a long time.

One80 is your main sponsor. How did they help you in your journey as a professional dartplayer?

This is my fourth year with ONE80. They have been extremely supportive ever since the beginning. They would never hesitate when I had different kinds of request and when I needed assistance overseas during tournaments and events. Furthermore, One80 has bought me into even a bigger stage, I was honoured to represent ONE80 to participate in darts tournaments called Super Brand where all the players from different darts brands gathered around to compete. It was a great way to introduce myself to more people and meet all sorts of players from other countries.

You recently won the 16th ADA International Darts Tour in steeltip. Can you tell more about the tournament and your road to winning a steeltip tournament?

It was such a magical moment. That was my first steel tip tournament that I’ve joined. I was always very slow at working out the finishes, that’s why I was never very comfortable and confident in playing steel tip competition. Therefore, I had a thought to myself to go back to basics during the games, basically was to try to keep my focus at the 20 segments and then try to lower the score to around 80s where I feel more confident in finishing. And somehow it worked all the way to the championship.

Would you like to play more steeltip darts in the future?

Yes certainly! I have joined Hong Kong Local Steel tip League and I will be participating in more international steel tip competitions too!

You have lived in Australia for a while and represented the australian team. Can you tell us more about that journey and your time there?

It was a funny experience to be part of the Australia National Team. I started off playing darts at a local darts bar called iDarts Hive. They have only DARTSLIVE machines. Electronic darts was not very popular back in the days, yet we had a group of darters who were very active in darts. In one of the uni trimester breaks, my darts buddies invited me to join them to participate in an international darts tournament. It was the DARTSLIVE Open Singapore Stage with Super League World Championship. We were then also chosen to be in the National Team, playing against world class top players of other countries while it was our very first time participating in an international tournament.

What was your favorite match ever you’ve played?

Tamrin and the Australian National Team

My first time playing on stage in The World Japan Stage. The live atmosphere was phenomenal, where it had hundreds of audience sitting in the venue watching the games. Every darts were breathtaking and of course I was very nervous and enjoyed every bit of it.

What are your goals for 2023?

Since the pandemic restrictions has been eased, I wish to travel to more places for competitions. There are so many tournaments that I would love to participate, for example PDC Asian Tour and DARTSLIVE Opens.

Who is your inspiration in darts and why?

Momo Zhou. She was the first Asian lady to be on the PDC World Cup Stage. I met her back in 2018 and she had a spectacular improvement and had many great achievements after that year. Her perseverance and determination are a great inspiration to me.

Do you have a final message for our readers?

Play darts, win hearts! Don’t forget to set goals and believe in yourself. I believe one day we will all achieve it. And I hope that I can meet the readers someday in the future!

📷 Tamrin Ng (FB)