🇻🇳 This is darts in Vietnam: Meet the players

Hello dear readers, nice to see you back here on AsianDarts. When saying darts, Vietnam might not be the first country you’ll be thinking of. Doing a search on Google will make you find your way to the Saigon International Darts League (SIDL). The SIDL is a non-profit organization that promotes darts in Saigon (Ho Chi Minght City), Vietnam. Chairman of the SIDL is Shea Pellow. Shea was kind enough to send my questions to six Vietnamese players and take some pictures of most of them. Now you, our readers, have not only more information about darts in Vietnam, but also some names and faces of players who wish for Vietnam to grow bigger as a darts country, would like to challenge the PDC or play darts after work, just to relax.

For more information on the SIDL, please visit http://thesidl.com 

Nguyen Dai Nhan

My name is Nguyen Dai Nhan. I am 37 years old living in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

I hope to have the chance to show the rest of Asia and the world that there are some good darts players in Vietnam. Right now we only have the Saigon International Darts League but if I get the chance to play internationally I will work hard to represent Vietnam. My darting goals for 2023 are to support my league team to try and win the Championship. I also aim to place in the top 5 for Highest out shot, as well as getting my first 15 dart leg.

We will need more places that  have dart boards for everyone to try to play, build a team/group, travel around the country and train. I mean it will be an academy of darts ;)) and the governments in Asia can agree the darts tour is the game in Seagame.

We enjoy darts in Vietnam as much as the rest of the world. Here it is about having fun with your team and playing a game you love.

Hoang Minh Nguyen

My name is Hoang Minh Nguyen; I’m 18 years old; I live in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam & I started playing darts in 2018. I do have aspirations to play the PDC Asian Tour in the future. Because I want to battle against stronger opponents to reach up to the top. My darting goals is to be one of, if not, the first Vietnamese player to play international events.

I think special events for promotion can be one of the most needed factors for Vietnam to grow as a dart country. I trust that the country will be able to produce the elite players of tomorrow.

My message for the readers of this interview is that anyone can play professional darts, no matter the age. And if you want to become the top-tier player, you gotta practice a lot & have all the dedication to the sport. Once you achieve your desire, you’ll appreciate every minute that you’ve spent throughout your journey.

Dam Vi Cuong

My name is Dam Vi Cuong, I’ve been playing darts since 2016 when a friend from Malaysia taught me how to play on the Phoenix Darts machine. I really want to play in the big tournaments in Asia, unfortunately I don’t have much time away from work to do so. I would like to compete with other players outside of Vietnam.

Not many Vietnamese people know about darts, We just play for fun after work. I hope we could have more dart tournaments in the future.

Let’s make darts more popular in Vietnam!

Khang Pham

I am Khang Pham, I am 25 years old. I have been playing darts since 2019 after I watched a PDC stream in one of the bars here in Ho Chi Minh City. I want to challenge myself in a big professional style tournament.

In 2023, I want my team to become League champions this year and maybe try an international tournament if I have the chance.

Let’s build a strong community for darts in Vietnam which will help encourage more Vietnamese players to join and also watch.


I’m Hung, I am 69 years old and I have been playing darts since 2016. Yes, I would like to play the Asian Tour. I enjoy watching the darts live streams and learning from the professionals. I think it would be a great experience to go out and play in a bigger style tournament.

In 2023, I want to keep playing darts with my friends this year. Darts is a relaxing game for me after a hard day at work.

Don’t think too much about winning or losing, that’s how you get better.

An Pham (Kevin)

I’m An Pham (Kevin) I am 38 and I have been playing darts since 2018. I joined the dart league in Saigon because there was a match and the home team needed a player or they would forfeit. I was asked to play even though I had never played darts before. I have played every week since then.

Of course I want to play the PDC Asian Tour. I am a big fan of the PDC and feel excited that one day I may have the chance to play in something like that. In 2023 I want my team to become number 1 in the Saigon Darts League. As well as me personally being in the top 10 players in the league.

What do you think is needed for Vietnam to grow as a darts country?

Make darts an official sport here with more regular tournaments.

If you get the chance to come to Vietnam, look up the Saigon International Darts League on Facebook maybe we play together one day. 

Pictures: Shea Pellow