坪倉さん インタビュー「完璧なコールをしたいです。」








坪:最初のコーラーとしての経験は去年の11月です。PDC World championship (世界選手権)の日本代表決定戦でした。なので、だいたい1年ぐらいです。







坪:間違いなく今年5月に開催されたWDF マスターズの日本代表決定戦です。

Picture: Hana Tsubokura (R) calling while Jun Matsuda (L) is playing





坪:選手としてはJoe Cullen とTed Evettsのスローが好きです。レフェリーは、カーク・ヴェインスを尊敬しています。私の中で彼以上のコーラーはいません。彼のようになりたいです。



Pictures: Hana Tsubokura
Translation: @JapanSimonFan

Interview with Hana Tsubokura: ”I want to do it perfectly.”

Hello to all readers! You’ve made your way to my interview with caller / referee Hana Tsubokura from Japan. Last September she passed the official exam and is now a certified caller, and probably the first certified female caller in Asia as well. Here, Hana will talk about her road to becoming a darts referee as well as her future plans. I’d really like to thank Hana for her time and we hope many readers will enjoy this interview!

Can you tell us something about yourself

I’m Hana Tsubokura. Now I’m 21 years old, and a university student.

How did you get into darts?

When I was in junior high school, I saw a darts machine when I went out with friends. It wasn’t until I was in high school that I really fell in love with it. I was too busy studying to play outside, so I was interested in the fact that I could play at home as long as I had a board.

Why did you want to become a caller?

My ex-boyfriend was a darts pro and dreamed of going to the PDC. I was close to his age and wanted to support his dream. I wasn’t as good at darts as he was, so I couldn’t play against him. But I wanted to support his dream, so I decided to become a caller.

How long ago is it since you’ve called your first match ever?

My first refereeing experience was last November, when I made my debut at the PDC WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP tournament to decide who would represent Japan. So it’s been about a year since I first started as a caller.

You passed the official exam last september. How did the exam go? And were you nervous?

As well as refereeing on stage, the test was to run the competition throughout the four days. For example, checking players’ uniforms and dealing with problems. Of course I was very nervous. I think my voice and my legs were shaking.

How often do you call at tournaments?

It is about once every two or three months. There are not that many steel darts competitions in Japan. If the world knows that there are reliable referees in Japan, I think we can invite more competitions to Japan. I hope that there will be more opportunities for both referees and players.

If you want to hear Hana calling ,you can watch some matches of the Kansai Guinness Cup XIV here.

What has been your favourite match so far that you’ve called?

It was definitely the final of the competition to decide who would represent Japan in WDF Masters last May. It was a match between Jun Matsuda and Motoki Yuuhi. Matsuda made a very dramatic 110 out and became the representative. It is an impact I will never forget.

Picture: Hana Tsubokura (R) calling while Jun Matsuda (L) is playing

You’re the first female certified caller in Asia. That’s a big achievement! What are your plans for the future?

Thank you. My dream is to call at the PDC. Like Kirk Bevins, I want to do it perfectly. Many female athletes have been active recently. I think it would be great if women could be active in the refereeing side as well. I want to do my best for that.

Who is your inspiration in darts?

As for throwing, I like the throws of Joe Cullen and Ted Evetts. As for refereeing, I really admire Kirk Bevins. I don’t think there is a better caller than him. I want to be like him.

Do you have a final message for the readers?

Thank you for reading. The Asian tour will resume next year. Can’t wait to see you all! Bedankt voor het lezen. Ik wens je het allerbeste.

Pictures: Hana Tsubokura