šŸ‡µšŸ‡­Lady Darter of the Year Giselle Bulahao about her journey in darts

Darts in the Philippines is really popular at the moment. Last years PDC World Championship saw 4 Filipino players participating and this year’s Asian Tour has been a good year for the Philippines as well. At the 18th ADA International Tour in Hong Kong, the Filipino players took most of the prizes home. Remarkable are the good results among the ladies players: The Philippines currently have multiple players who really perform consistently. Giselle Bulahao is one of them, swooping up three prizes at the 18th ADA as well as booking herself a place at the 2023 WDF World Masters during last year’s MOJO.

Bulahao, from Tuba, Benguet, used to be a professional teacher and started out playing darts when her uncle and cousins convinced her to play with them in one of the dart leagues in Benguet. The most popular type of darts in the Philippines is actually steel tip, so that’s where she started out her journey in darts. After winning many tournaments inside the Philippines, Bulahao took her chance and played the MOJO tournaments (Malaysian Open and Johor Open) in 2023. Bulahao: ”MOJO in Malaysia was my very first international tournament outside of the Philippines. It was also my first time to play against players of different nationalities. I’m just happy because I was able to give them good matches that led me to winning both MO and JO singles.”

Her Malaysian Open win secured her a spot at the WDF World Masters. The WDF states on their website that ‘the 2024 edition of the World Masters will be held in Europe and will take placeĀ from Wednesday, October 9th through Sunday, October 13th.Ā Further information on the host city, venue, prize fund, and how to enter will be releasedĀ on orĀ before Friday 31 May’.Ā Bulahao would love to represent her country at that tournament: ”Darts is my passion. I quit teaching right after the pandemic to focus more on my darts career, so if given the chance to play again overseas, I would love to. The highlights in my darts career are probably my tournaments outside of the Philippines. I’m getting goosebumps everytime I represent my country.”

Besides steel tip, Bulahao tried soft tip for the first time at the ADA 18th International Darts Tour in Hong Kong, and succesfully: ”That was actually my first time to play soft tip, and luckily, I won in the 501 singles, doubles and triples. It was a good learning experience for me, especially so that I’m still new to the world of soft tip darts šŸ˜Š” She won the doubles with that tournament’s MVP Janice Hinojales and the triples with Hinojales and Noel Malicdem.

Another title Bulahao was awarded with, is the Christ Sports Lady Darter of the Year award. She explains: ”The Chris Sports Lady Darter of the Year is one of the most prestigious awards given to a player here in the Philippines who has accumulated the highest points from January to December. It is being awarded every January of the following year. This started last year.”

She is an inspiration to many players in and outside of the Philippines. Giselle says: ”It’s fulfilling in my part knowing that there are those who see me as an inspiration. It’s every athlete’s joy to inspire others by the hardwork they put in. I feel inspired by those who always show support in my darts career- my family, my teammates, and sponsor.”

To wrap up the interview, she tells more about her plans and goals:
”This year my goal is to master the game of soft tip darts and to win more championships. God willing. ā˜ļø

To all the readers, thank you so much for supporting darts.”

Interview with Mahi Bosmia, India’s top ladies player, at the Dutch Open Darts

Welcome to all readers from AsianDarts. Today, we have a special interview with a very inspirational player: Mahi Bosmia from India. The interview has been recorded by Wim Blokpoel from Dartfreakz and you can watch it below in the article. This article will be an addition to the interview with more facts about Mahi but also some points about darts in India, one of the things we talked about with Mahi and Piyush Bosmia off camera. We hope you enjoy reading about Mahi and we also hope to explain more about the situation of darts in India.

Mahi, 17 years old from Calcutta, India, started out darts when she was young. Her father, Piyush Bosmia, started out playing darts together with his wife in 2015 and Mahi accompanied them to tournaments which sparked an interest for darts with herself as well. Her father noticed this and started teaching Mahi darts as well as entering her into various youth tournaments. It turned out she is talented and after winning her first title, Mahi really found the joy of darts, eventually leading her to the Dutch Open in Assen. Mahi is still studying besides all this as well, studying at The Bhawanipur College in Calcutta. They also sponsor her for her international trips. Mahi states she is very much thankful to them as without such support it is impossible to participate in such events.

Financial support is really important in Indian darts. One of the things we spoke about off camera at the Dutch Open was about the AIDA. AIDA (All Indian Darts Association) is one of the darts organisations in India and the one who is affiliated to the WDF (World Darts Federation). If a player qualifies for a tournament (Mahi did for the WDF World Cup in Denmark), they have to pay AIDA a fee firstly, otherwise they’ll be thrown out of the selection.

Piyush adds that Mahi was asked to pay charges higher than what WDF were offering to all international players and upon asking the Indian authorities about detailed expenses to understand why it is higher than it should be, no reply on same was received from authorities but instead later we came to know that someone else was selected in her place without properly informing to us for same reason around 4 players including manager for the tour backed out understanding there in less clarity on why the extra funds were asked.

This is one of the reasons why the best players from India don’t get a lot of exposure and instead, players who hit 30-40 averages but have more money can go. Combine this with really expensive flights because VISAS don’t come in early enough, expensive hotel costs and the players having to pay pretty much everything out of their own pockets. The AIDA always preferred players not to play at other tournaments as well, sometimes even resulting in forbidding players to play other tournaments and banning them from the organisation. Piyush notes that a positive change happened over the last year in this matter: ‘Things from last one year has changed in AIDA for now as since last year they are allowing other players to play AIDA and also they are allowing their regular players to play other organisers events. All thanks to the efforts given by IDC to improve players standard and giving more opportunities to players.‘ This resulted in Mahi being able to play more tournaments in India and winning every tournament she entered for the last two years in both ladies and youth category.

Speaking to Nitin Kumar recently, we discovered that the same process is happening to players who want to play PDC Qualifiers and now, the top players have started their own organisation. The IDC, the Indian Darts Council, is now the place where the best players of India play at. Kumar: ‘The IDC hold close to 30to40 tournaments a year. This includes Nationals, State Championships, Inter-Club events and a Premier League kind of tournament. But sadly, the IDC is not affiliated with either the WDF or the PDC, making it hard for top players to participate in big tournaments.’ā€‚

India is a growing darts country with many good players, but the IDC and their players do not have as many opportunities as they would like internationally. We hope our readers will start following the IDC tournaments closely on Facebook or YouTube where matches get posted every now and then.

Mahi is only 17 years old but winning big time in India at the tournaments she enters. Last year, she decided to take steps to play more tournaments internationally and there took second place at the MOJO (Malaysian Open / Johor Open) in Malaysia. In the interview below she talks more about her experiences at that tournament. Mahi plans to play the PDC Women’s Series in the future as well, taking on the best ladies in the world. She had a glimpse of that during the 2024 Dutch Open Darts, where she played and beat the likes of Jo Rolls and Sharona Veld, making the Last 16 alongside names like Beau Greaves, Aileen de Graaf, Noa-Lynn van Leuven and Kirsty Hutchinson. After an outstanding performance in the ladies singles, more and more people started talking about her and knowing who she is. Mahi eventually lost out 4-1 to Rhian O’Sullivan. We also spoke to Mahi after that, saying that more and more people know who she is now and making the Last 16 for the first time at such a big tournament and also at the age of 17 is an amazing accomplishment. Mahi: ‘Thank you so much, this was my goal; to let people know who I am, give a good performance and especially playing for India. I want to show people that there are good players in India, so I’m proud to play for my country.’

Even though Mahi is very talented, it’s not always easy for her to come to international tournaments because of the above. Still, she’s a positive young lady who really wants to show what she is capable of, hoping to play the PDC Women’s Series and find her way to the biggest tournaments in the world.

It was so nice to meet someone who is so proud of her country and we hope Mahi will get all the chances she deserves in the future. And of course, we’ll keep on following Mahi through her darts journey.

A Tribute to Momo Zhou (31)

Shocking news has arrived at the darts community as Momo Zhou has passed away at the age of 31 years old. She was without doubt one of the best Chinese players, the best Chinese ladies player and one of the best Asian ladies.

In 2015, Momo joined Trinidad, a Japanese dartsbrand where she stayed under contract for more than 6 years. At the start of 2022 she joined TARGET (Japan) and in 2020 she signed with clothing brand SHADE. Just before the corona pandemic she joined the Japanese PERFECT tour (softtip) where she played some of the best ladies from Japan. She didn’t play there without winning, check this video to see Momo play a fantastic match against Kasumi Sato and winning that day’s PERFECT Tour.

In 2018, Momo Zhou was only the second lady, and the first Asian lady to play during the PDC World Cup. She played there with Xiaochen Zong, the best Chinese player. She went viral for celebrating missed doubles from the opponents team.

Last year, Momo went viral again because she hit a 10-darter in the Chinese Premier League. This 10-darter had one bounce out, so the leg was near perfect. After that, she got an operation on her arm, after which she hoped to return to play darts with everyone.

Momo was loved by many, and had a big fanbase especially in the Japanese darts community. Her new TARGET darts were announced just one day before her passing and released only two days ago.

I really hope her darts will get an international release as a tribute to her, but they’ll probably be a Japan-only product.

Momo Zhou will be heavily missed by many. She passed away on January 25th 2023, only 31 years young. Rest in peace dear Momo.

Closing this article with a lovely video from Momo doing the three-bull-challenge during the pandemic

Pictures: TARGET Japan

šŸ‡­šŸ‡° Interview with Tamrin Ng: Play darts, win hearts

Welcome to another new interview on AsianDarts, this time with one of the best and most popular ladies player in Hong Kong, who also has played for the Australian soft tip team before: Tamrin Ng. Tamrin tells about how she started out playing darts, her journey with One80 as well as discovering the world of steeltip darts. Enjoy!

Tamrin winning her first steeltip tournament

My name is Tamrin, currently based in Hong Kong and Iā€™ve been playing darts since 2016.

How and when did you get into darts?

I started playing darts back in 2016 when I was still in uni. I met a darts bar manger at a local Chinese New Year event, he introduced me to his darts bar and that was how I met a lot more people who were really into darts and then I became one of the regulars.

You mostly play soft tip darts. What do you like the most about softtip darts?

I started off playing soft tips darts when I had very minimal knowledge about this sport. The best thing about soft darts for a newbie is that it has different lighting segments where it guides new players on where to throw and it suggests how to close when playing 01. Whereas the best part to me right now is that I can connect with people around the world. Using DARTSLIVE as an example, it has a Global game function where the machine connects to the internet and we can search for other online players in different countries and have an online battle with them. On the other hand, I have my own signature DARTSLIVE Support Player theme, which I can share my theme to people instantly by just playing a game with other players and this is how we make friends without any boundaries.

After a couple of years, THE WORLD started again and returned to Singapore. You were there. How was it to return to THE WORLD after a couple of years?

It was a long missed tournament and it didnā€™t let people down! I was soooo thrilled and excited to see so many familiar faces after such a long time.

One80 is your main sponsor. How did they help you in your journey as a professional dartplayer?

This is my fourth year with ONE80. They have been extremely supportive ever since the beginning. They would never hesitate when I had different kinds of request and when I needed assistance overseas during tournaments and events. Furthermore, One80 has bought me into even a bigger stage, I was honoured to represent ONE80 to participate in darts tournaments called Super Brand where all the players from different darts brands gathered around to compete. It was a great way to introduce myself to more people and meet all sorts of players from other countries.

You recently won the 16th ADA International Darts Tour in steeltip. Can you tell more about the tournament and your road to winning a steeltip tournament?

It was such a magical moment. That was my first steel tip tournament that Iā€™ve joined. I was always very slow at working out the finishes, thatā€™s why I was never very comfortable and confident in playing steel tip competition. Therefore, I had a thought to myself to go back to basics during the games, basically was to try to keep my focus at the 20 segments and then try to lower the score to around 80s where I feel more confident in finishing. And somehow it worked all the way to the championship.

Would you like to play more steeltip darts in the future?

Yes certainly! I have joined Hong Kong Local Steel tip League and I will be participating in more international steel tip competitions too!

You have lived in Australia for a while and represented the australian team. Can you tell us more about that journey and your time there?

It was a funny experience to be part of the Australia National Team. I started off playing darts at a local darts bar called iDarts Hive. They have only DARTSLIVE machines. Electronic darts was not very popular back in the days, yet we had a group of darters who were very active in darts. In one of the uni trimester breaks, my darts buddies invited me to join them to participate in an international darts tournament. It was the DARTSLIVE Open Singapore Stage with Super League World Championship. We were then also chosen to be in the National Team, playing against world class top players of other countries while it was our very first time participating in an international tournament.

What was your favorite match ever you’ve played?

Tamrin and the Australian National Team

My first time playing on stage in The World Japan Stage. The live atmosphere was phenomenal, where it had hundreds of audience sitting in the venue watching the games. Every darts were breathtaking and of course I was very nervous and enjoyed every bit of it.

What are your goals for 2023?

Since the pandemic restrictions has been eased, I wish to travel to more places for competitions. There are so many tournaments that I would love to participate, for example PDC Asian Tour and DARTSLIVE Opens.

Who is your inspiration in darts and why?

Momo Zhou. She was the first Asian lady to be on the PDC World Cup Stage. I met her back in 2018 and she had a spectacular improvement and had many great achievements after that year. Her perseverance and determination are a great inspiration to me.

Do you have a final message for our readers?

Play darts, win hearts! Donā€™t forget to set goals and believe in yourself. I believe one day we will all achieve it. And I hope that I can meet the readers someday in the future!

šŸ“· Tamrin Ng (FB)

Interview with Kaya Chan: ”To never give up is my faith”

Welcome dear reader to yet another interview, this time with the number 1 ranked ladies player from Macau: Kaya Chan!

(picture by: Darts Hunter)

Name: Kaya Chan
Country: Macau
Sponsor: DTAS, Darts Hunter, M Darts TV, Precision

Results overview

2019 South China Tour Ladies8 Stage1 Best 4
2019 South China Tour Ladies8 Stage3 Best 8
2019 South China Tour Ladies8 Stage4 Best 4
2019 South China Tour Ladies8 annual ranking 3rd runner-up
2019 GZ Cosmo wars singles Best 8
2019 GZ Darts World Open Female DVI.1 Best 8
2020 Macau Gdarts Female Tour Stage 1 Champion2020
Macau Gdarts Female Tour Stage 2 1st-runner up2020
Macau Gdarts Female Tour Stage 3 Champion2020
Macau Gdarts Female Tour Stage 5 1st-runner up
2020 Macau Gdarts Female Tour Grand Final Champion
2020 Macau Gdarts Female Tour Annual ranking Champion

As you can see, her list of results is impressive. I wanted to know more about this rising star in Asia, and asked Kaya for a written interview.

For the first question, could you tell the reader something about yourself?

Hello, I am Kaya Chan a sponsored darts player and darts coach based in Macau, promoting darts is my purpose.

When did you start playing darts? And why did you start playing darts?

I’m playing for 3 years, the first time I used common darts I hit a hat trick. I know I love playing darts anyway.

In 2019 you played the South China Tour and became third runner up behind Cathy Leung and Vivienne Lee. How was the experience to play that tour for you? Did you grow as a player?

It was a best memory for myself in 2019, even that year my skill is not steadily, but to never give up is my faith. To be a competitor with them is a huge honour for me, I will try my best to become a Pro-Player like them.

In 2020 you played the G-Darts Female Tour in Macau. Can you describe your way to becoming champion?

I’m not a talent-like player, so I will train harder and harder every day. I do a huge numbers of exercise to prepare the G-Darts Female Tour. To defeat all is my goal.

How long do you practice per day/week?

About 5-6 hours per day.

How is darts in Macau? For example: Is there much interest for darts in Macau? Are there many (good) players?

So many guys are interested in darts, and it’s easy to go a shop where you can play darts with friends. The darts is growing up so fast in Macau, in the future, more excellent players from Macau will get into the world stages.

Growing darts scene in Macau. Picture: FB

Do you think about competing more in international tournaments in the future? For example in steeltip?

I’m planning for a famous steel-tip competition in Beijing next year. And I’ll keep challenging master level of soft darts tournaments in the future.

What are your goals for the future?

First step is THE WORLD* and when my skill grows up I will attempt PDC.

You told me that you’re working as a darts shirt designer. Do you have some examples of your designs?

Please refer to the slideshow below for my works. I think everyone has different thoughts and feeling about darts, I hope to show their beliefs on the jersey through my design.

You have your own signature darts out (Volour model). Can you tell something about the model?

Based on the previous model, torpedo changed into a short and straight shape. Not only improved my skill, but I also became a more professional player in the big stages. The angue-type cutting for front part, makes it fly more steady. Bowl-like grips for thumb and index fingers, point to point locked your gripping way rapidly.

Who is your inspiration in darts? (if you have one)

That is myself.

Are there any (youth)players from Macau we should look out for? If so, who?

Yes. Crystal Chio is a good youth girl darts player, her Macau female tour ranking is third place.

What has been your favourite moment in your darts career so far?

When I stand on the award podium.

(Picture: Kaya with most of her 2019/2020 awards. From: FB)

Do you have a message for the readers?

The road to darts is long. No one can easily succeed. The hard work of every dart player will be part of the growth. Practice time may be painful, but all the accumulated experience, your future self will thank you for your hard work at this moment. Only by experiencing it yourself can you understand the fun of darts. I hope you enjoy darts.

*THE WORLD is the biggest soft tip tournament in the world. Different stages are being held all over the world and players from all over the world come to challenge eachother. In 2020, the tournament was cancelled, but in 2019 annual winner was Boris Krcmar, runner-up was Paul Lim

G-Darts Tour and South China Tour are both soft tip tours.
Hattrick: 3x bull

I really want to thank Kaya for the interview and I wish her all the luck in the future!

Interview with Hattaya Kanjanarungsima: ‘Thai Darts is growing’

(Pictures: Hattaya Kanjanarungsima FB)
Thai darts has been represented in the PDC World Cup from 2014-2018, but since 2019 the country has not been selected for the tournament anymore. That doesn’t mean that Thai darts is having a complete meltdown, on the contrary: A new organisation has seen light in 2018: The Darts Association of Thailand, with Winmau sponsoring the DAT for three years and Thailand becoming a full WDF member since January 2019. Especially female darts is on the rise, so I asked one of the best female Thai players, Hattaya Kanjanarungsima, a couple of questions about her career and ladies darts in Thailand.

Hattaya Kanjanarungsima - Taranaki International Open 2019

Name: Hattaya Kanjanarungsima

Age: 34

Major sponsor: L-Style

WDF Ranking (time of writing): 48

When and why did you start playing darts?

I started playing darts actively in 2012. Darts is an attractive sport because I can touch many emotions whenever I am on game!

How much do you practice?

I practice 4-8 hours a day.

Kanjanarungsima won the Taranaki International Darts Open in 2019, beating Tina Osborne 5-3 in the final. She describes her time during the tournament as a great one, which made her want to practice even more and more.

How did you feel playing the final against Tina Osborne?

On the oche, I did not know her before. I followed the game and tried to do my best. After the game, I just knew she was a top player!! I think I was so lucky at the time.

How is it to play darts in Thailand?

Darts in Thailand now, I think it is growing. We now joined the WDF again, so we get a chance to collect ranking points for the world stage.

Are there many opportunities for ladies players/ladies darts in Thailand?

In Thailand, there are currently many ladies players who are improving a lot, so yes.

What is your best achievement in darts?

International Champion in Taranaki, after that Champion in Malaysia.

What was the favorite place you went for darts and why?

I enjoy many places that hold darts event…..actually I like everywhere that has darts.

What are your goals for the future?

In the future, I hope to go to a world tournament one time in my life.

Who is your inspiration in darts?

One ladies player that inspires me is Japanese player Mikuru Suzuki. She now is the first Asian player to become a World Champion. However, my family is very important for supporting me.

Who are, besides yourself, two ladies players from Thailand we have to look out for in the future?

In my opinion, Thai ladies players who have a good performance, skill and positive thinking for darts are Ornong Boonyanit and Kim Lebbing (14 year old youth player who won a Singha Ladies Tour in 2020 and was runner-up at the 2019 Japan Open Youth).

Kim Lebbing vs Sakuto Sueshige

Do you have a message for the readers?

For all followers or someone who is interested in darts: Come on to join and you will love darts just like me. Darts is not a battle or fighting game. This sport is a meditation and mentality game, fighting with yourself. Last but not least, ‘Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way’. I hope you will enjoy Darts.