Interview with Mahi Bosmia, India’s top ladies player, at the Dutch Open Darts

Welcome to all readers from AsianDarts. Today, we have a special interview with a very inspirational player: Mahi Bosmia from India. The interview has been recorded by Wim Blokpoel from Dartfreakz and you can watch it below in the article. This article will be an addition to the interview with more facts about Mahi but also some points about darts in India, one of the things we talked about with Mahi and Piyush Bosmia off camera. We hope you enjoy reading about Mahi and we also hope to explain more about the situation of darts in India.

Mahi, 17 years old from Calcutta, India, started out darts when she was young. Her father, Piyush Bosmia, started out playing darts together with his wife in 2015 and Mahi accompanied them to tournaments which sparked an interest for darts with herself as well. Her father noticed this and started teaching Mahi darts as well as entering her into various youth tournaments. It turned out she is talented and after winning her first title, Mahi really found the joy of darts, eventually leading her to the Dutch Open in Assen. Mahi is still studying besides all this as well, studying at The Bhawanipur College in Calcutta. They also sponsor her for her international trips. Mahi states she is very much thankful to them as without such support it is impossible to participate in such events.

Financial support is really important in Indian darts. One of the things we spoke about off camera at the Dutch Open was about the AIDA. AIDA (All Indian Darts Association) is one of the darts organisations in India and the one who is affiliated to the WDF (World Darts Federation). If a player qualifies for a tournament (Mahi did for the WDF World Cup in Denmark), they have to pay AIDA a fee firstly, otherwise they’ll be thrown out of the selection.

Piyush adds that Mahi was asked to pay charges higher than what WDF were offering to all international players and upon asking the Indian authorities about detailed expenses to understand why it is higher than it should be, no reply on same was received from authorities but instead later we came to know that someone else was selected in her place without properly informing to us for same reason around 4 players including manager for the tour backed out understanding there in less clarity on why the extra funds were asked.

This is one of the reasons why the best players from India don’t get a lot of exposure and instead, players who hit 30-40 averages but have more money can go. Combine this with really expensive flights because VISAS don’t come in early enough, expensive hotel costs and the players having to pay pretty much everything out of their own pockets. The AIDA always preferred players not to play at other tournaments as well, sometimes even resulting in forbidding players to play other tournaments and banning them from the organisation. Piyush notes that a positive change happened over the last year in this matter: ‘Things from last one year has changed in AIDA for now as since last year they are allowing other players to play AIDA and also they are allowing their regular players to play other organisers events. All thanks to the efforts given by IDC to improve players standard and giving more opportunities to players.‘ This resulted in Mahi being able to play more tournaments in India and winning every tournament she entered for the last two years in both ladies and youth category.

Speaking to Nitin Kumar recently, we discovered that the same process is happening to players who want to play PDC Qualifiers and now, the top players have started their own organisation. The IDC, the Indian Darts Council, is now the place where the best players of India play at. Kumar: ‘The IDC hold close to 30to40 tournaments a year. This includes Nationals, State Championships, Inter-Club events and a Premier League kind of tournament. But sadly, the IDC is not affiliated with either the WDF or the PDC, making it hard for top players to participate in big tournaments.’

India is a growing darts country with many good players, but the IDC and their players do not have as many opportunities as they would like internationally. We hope our readers will start following the IDC tournaments closely on Facebook or YouTube where matches get posted every now and then.

Mahi is only 17 years old but winning big time in India at the tournaments she enters. Last year, she decided to take steps to play more tournaments internationally and there took second place at the MOJO (Malaysian Open / Johor Open) in Malaysia. In the interview below she talks more about her experiences at that tournament. Mahi plans to play the PDC Women’s Series in the future as well, taking on the best ladies in the world. She had a glimpse of that during the 2024 Dutch Open Darts, where she played and beat the likes of Jo Rolls and Sharona Veld, making the Last 16 alongside names like Beau Greaves, Aileen de Graaf, Noa-Lynn van Leuven and Kirsty Hutchinson. After an outstanding performance in the ladies singles, more and more people started talking about her and knowing who she is. Mahi eventually lost out 4-1 to Rhian O’Sullivan. We also spoke to Mahi after that, saying that more and more people know who she is now and making the Last 16 for the first time at such a big tournament and also at the age of 17 is an amazing accomplishment. Mahi: ‘Thank you so much, this was my goal; to let people know who I am, give a good performance and especially playing for India. I want to show people that there are good players in India, so I’m proud to play for my country.’

Even though Mahi is very talented, it’s not always easy for her to come to international tournaments because of the above. Still, she’s a positive young lady who really wants to show what she is capable of, hoping to play the PDC Women’s Series and find her way to the biggest tournaments in the world.

It was so nice to meet someone who is so proud of her country and we hope Mahi will get all the chances she deserves in the future. And of course, we’ll keep on following Mahi through her darts journey.

Interview with Mehdi Pahnavar: From climbing to paradarts

At the 2023 Dutch Open Darts, AsianDarts also talked to Mehdi Pahnavar. Mehdi lives in Germany and is also a well-known climber. He played in the Iranian national team and in 2014, he travelled to the French Alps for an ice-climbing competition where he fell down 6 meters. He didn’t had money for an operation in France, hence he stayed until the end of the tournament and went back to Teheran, where he got surgery. He can now hardly move his right foot, and participates in paradarts sports. Below you can read a short interview with Mehdi. Enjoy! .

Mehdi Pahnavar (middle) and the rest of the Iranian team at the 2023 Dutch Open Darts.

Q: Good afternoon. Who are you and how did you start playing darts?

A: I’m playing darts since 20 years, but not that much, I’m just practicing.

Q: Why are you at the Dutch Open?

A: I’m at the Dutch Open to participate at the paradarts tournament, since I can only move my right foot a little bit. I live in Germany, so it’s easier for me to travel to the Netherlands. I’m a paraclimber in Germany but I also have a good feeling to play paradarts.

Q: Which tournament would you like to play next?

A: I want to play every paradarts tournament as long as I have time. I also have my work, which goes first. My plans are to at least play in Hungary and Sweden and I would love to play in England.

Q: Are there many opportunities to play paradarts in Iran?

A: No, not at all. We used to have paradarts in Iran, but currently there are not many opportunities.

Q: Do you also play competition in Germany?

A: No, I only play at home together with the family.

I’d like to thank Mehdi Pahnavar for his time and we hope to see him more often at tournaments!

Want to know more about darts in Iran? Read my interview with MohammedAli Pahnavar here.

🇮🇷 Iran at the Dutch Open Darts: MohammedAli Pahnavar talks about darts in his country

Hello dear readers. AsianDarts is currently present at the Dutch Open Darts 2023 and there I had a chat with one of the Iranian players at this tournament. He also happens to manage players and teams in Iran. Let’s hear what MohammedAli Pahnavar has to say about darts in Iran:

Q: Good Afternoon. Who are you and when did you start playing darts?

A: I’m MohammedAli Pahnavar and I’ve started playing darst  11 years ago. My brother played darts and because of him I started playing as well.

Q: Why did you come to the Dutch Open this year?

A: Since a year I’m trying to play as many tournaments internationally as possible and at the Dutch Open there are a lot of players, so the standard is higher.

Q: You have also played in Belgium, the Antwerp Open. How did you experience that tournament?

A: The level was very good, but the level in the Netherlands is even better.

Q: Which tournament would you like to visit in the future?

A: I own a darts hall in Iran (Dart Club) and I want to bring as many players possible from that club to international tournaments. But Iranian players need a visum to play in Europe, which is hard to get. It helps when the WDF sends an invitation, the visa get approved sooner. I play darts, but I’m also the manager of the team.

Q: Are there many good players in Iran currently? Who?

A: At my dartclub, there is Ramin Naseri with the men’s players. For the ladies: Shahla Ravaji

Q: What is your goal for 2023? Both playing and in Iran.

A: I want to take more good players from Iran to here, but I also want to hold a big tournament in Iran. I would love to see a big Open taking place in Iran with a lot of players participating.

Q: Do you have other interesting things to tell about darts in Iran?

A: There are a lot of good dartsplayers in Iran, but because of visa problems it is really hard to get here. There is a lot of interest in darts in Iran and it would be great if more people can show their talent to the world. If the WDF sends an invitation, it’s a little bit easier for us to become a visum. The federations really have to help. In 2017 the girls won the pairs category in Japan, Kobe and in 2019 in Romania Mehrdad Seyfi got the second place in the WDF World Cup. I was the manager from that team but I wasn’t able to travel with them.

Q: Does he still play?

A: Yes he does, but he’s an adult now. He also does well on the national ranking.

I really want to thank MohammedAli Pahnavar for taking the time to talk to me! I wish him and all the players from Iran good luck with darts and I hope to see many more players being able to travel to international tournaments.

If you want to read more about darts in Iran, read my interview with Mehdi Pahnavar here.

Cho Kwanghee about his Darts School and book: ‘I want to give courage’

It’s been just a little over a month since South Korean darts player ‘Cho Kwanghee’ played his magical weekend in Assen during the 2020 Dutch Open Darts. He won the WDDA Winmau World Championship and the Dutch Open Paradarts competition. He came to the Netherlands as probably the most unknown player of the tournament and returned home as a World Champion.
In South Korea, Cho was already one of the most popular players so an even busier time was waiting for him, including multiple tv appearances. He appeared on OBS경인TV where he spoke about the Dutch Open, his darts school, disability darts and his own progress.

His story

First, Cho explains his condition and why he participated in the WDDA and paradarts tournament. He has been fully paralysed. After three years of not being able to move he started training by himself. He’s now able to walk again after much effort. He still occasionally has a lot of pain in his legs because he still suffers from the effects of the paralysis. Cho also tells about how he spent his days during the tournament in Europe: ‘It’s hard. I woke up, went to the venue, played for a very long day and went back to the hotel to try to get some sleep (which wasn’t much). The next day I woke up and went to the venue, played and went back to the hotel again’.

Kwanghee Cho Darts School - OBS경인TV
Kwanghee Cho Darts School – OBS경인TV

Darts for everyone

Two big banners stand tall in the room, showing the best of Cho’s achievements from the past years. Quite a couple of students came to visit the Darts School to learn from the ‘World #1’. From what we can see, there are three soft tip boards to play on, all manufactured by POP!DART. They supplied the school with a low board as well so that people who are unable to stand for long as well as wheelchair players can also play and practice. Cho proudly shows the board: ‘Everyone can play darts. Even sick people and people with disabilities’.
An elderly couple comes in to practice and learn, praising Cho for becoming World Champion despite the paralysis he had to overcome.

Kwanghee Cho Darts School - OBS경인TV
Kwanghee Cho Darts School – OBS경인TV


After Darts School, Cho sets off to visit his mother and cook for her. The two clearly have a good bond and have been through some stuff, including the paralysis and the passing of Cho’s father when Cho was still young. Cho:
‘My mother is not feeling well, I do what I can to help’.


When asked about his dream (주인공의 꿈은 뭘까요?), it’s one thing that comes to mind: Cho has been writing down his story for it to become a book. He hopes many people will read it and says: ‘I want to give people courage’.

For those interested, you can rewatch the full item here. Note: It’s in Korean and does not include subtitles, but it’s still a fun watch! Kwanghee’s part starts at around 27 minutes. I tried my best to write a summary of the programme in English so that many people can understand. All pictures were sent to me by Kwanghee himself, thank you so much! Credit for the programme goes to OBS경인TV.