Interview with Ting Sun: ”I want to play in Japan”

This weekend the 4th Hong Kong International Darts Festival was held, with Hong Kong dartsplayer Ting Sun winning the Women’s Individual Open. Ting also recently won at the 16th ADA International Darts Tour, and now she answered questions for this website! Enjoy the read!

Can you write an introduction about yourself.

Hello! Here is Ting Sun from Hong Kong, I’ve been playing darts for around 10 years now.

How and when did you get into darts?

The first time I went karaoke with my friends, and there they had Phoenix darts machines. This was the first time I played when I was 18 years old .

You mostly play soft tip darts. What do you like the most about softtip darts?

Because my darts dream is to go to Japan and play the PERFECT Tour.

During the weekend, Ting also joined the Hong Kong team, which won the team event.

L-Style and Dynasty are your main sponsors. How did they help you in your journey as a professional dartplayer?

These two sponsors sponsor me all accessories to play darts. And I really love these two brands.

Would you like to play more steeltip darts in the future?

Maybe I should try to play steel tips because my maths are not good, I played steel tips competition before ,but I do not have enough experience.

What was your favorite match ever you’ve played?

My favourite match is from the Phoenix Summer Festival when I played against Anastasia Dobromyslova, Tony Martin’s wife.
(Writer’s note: You can all watch the match below)

Ting Sun vs Anastasia Dobromyslova.

What are your goals for 2023?

I hope I can go to Japan to play the PERFECT Tour.

Do you have a final message for our readers?

Stay focussed and calm when playing darts. Love you guys!

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